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English feedback reports

Verfasst: Sonntag 31. Dezember 2006, 09:37
von Malle
so wie's ausschaut, gibts in der englischen Version ein Problem mit dem Duraniumabbau (bei ruthlessferengi vom botf afc Forum klappen die Minen net), auch meinte er, dass die Konföderation kein Schiffsbefehlsmenü habe und er die Schiffe nicht losschicken konnte zum Terraformen. Bei den Roths hätte das geklappt.

Ich hab ihm gesagt, er solle mal hier posten, da können mehr Leute draufgucken, bin mal gespannt, was da noch so kommt.

Verfasst: Sonntag 31. Dezember 2006, 18:41
von Sir Pustekuchen
Also der Duraniumabbau funktioniert bei mir. Man muss natürlich genauso wie bei den anderen Arbeitergebäuden auch Arbeiter den Duraniumminen zuweisen, ansonsten wird kein Duranium abgebaut.

Das bei der Konföderation keine Schiffsbefehlsbuttons kommen, bei den Rotharianern aber schon kann eigentlich nicht sein. Ich müsste wissen, ob da überhaupt keine Befehlsbuttons kommen, oder nur bestimmte nicht. Z.B. wird der Terraforming-Befehl nur angezeigt, wenn dies auch möglich ist. So verhält es sich eigentlich bei allen Schiffsbefelhsbuttons. Wenn eine Aktion nicht möglich ist wird sie auch nicht angezeigt.

Es gibt ja auch keinen Unterschied zwischen der deutschen und der englischsprachigen Version, außer halt die übersetzten Dateien. Diese haben aber auf solche Sachen keinen Einfluss.

So, ich wünsche allen einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr. Man sieht sich 2007

Verfasst: Montag 8. Januar 2007, 10:37
von Malle
so, ein weiteres Feedback zum Thema Research-Schnelligkeit kurz zusammengefasst: Die Research ist bei ihm zu schnell, in der home world könnte er nur pausenlos upgraden, weil die Tech zu schnell voranschreitet seiner Meinung nach.

Verfasst: Montag 8. Januar 2007, 14:56
von Sir Pustekuchen
Jo gelesen. Das liegt aber daran, dass er die Konföderation gespielt hat (Forschungsrasse) und ohne echte Gegner kann man natürlich viele Arbeiter in die Laboratorien setzen. Dies funktioniert in einem "echten" Spiel aber nicht mehr. Man forscht zwar immernoch relativ schnell, dies aber nur bei der Konföderation und bei niedrigen Techstufen.

Verfasst: Mittwoch 17. Januar 2007, 13:28
von Malle
hat jemand ne Anmerkung zur Tech und zum Schiffsbau (der R'Acron kann bei ihm erst nicht gebaut werden, erst nach 1 Stufe Tech höher als angegeben). Ich erinnere mich dunkel, dass wir so was ähnliches schon mal angesprochen hatten hier, kanns aber auf die Schnelle net mehr finden.

vll. kann ja jemand von euch dem ZNR1 ne Antwort schreiben dort.

Verfasst: Mittwoch 17. Januar 2007, 13:47
von Sir Pustekuchen
Hab ich schonmal gemacht.

Hier nochmal in deutsch:
Das Schiff kann man schon auf der richtigen Tech bauen, doch gibt es zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch keine Werft, welche Schiffe dieser Größe bauen kann. Entwerder bekommt das Schiff eine kleinere Größe oder die zweite Schiffswerft kann dann auch Schiffe der Größe "groß" bauen.

Verfasst: Mittwoch 17. Januar 2007, 14:58
von Scav

hab das problemm gefunden in der building liste ist bei der roth typ2 werft ein kleiner fehelr, dort ist bei ship-größe 1 eingestellt statt wie geplant 2 dacher das prob mit der R'Acron wird aber sicherlich upgedatet, zunot kann mans selber mit dem editor nachbessern ist nur ein klick.

Verfasst: Dienstag 6. Februar 2007, 07:28
von Malle
so, da will sich ja tatsächlich jemand in bote reinarbeiten von den amis (und Alamar trau ichs zu, so wie ich den von der botf1-afc-site her kenne..). Er würd nur gern mal wissen, wie viele Runden er im ungemoddeten standard-bote normal brauchen sollte um von tech 0 auf 10 zu kommen und vll. ein paar Fortgeschrittenen-Tipps, in welchem Verhältnis man am effizientesten Minen und normale Gebäude und dann Kolonieschiffe/Transporter zwecks schnellstmöglicher Expansion baut.

hier der Link zu einem seiner Fragekataloge: ... =14&t=1547

denke, wenn wir dem Kerl helfen, moddet der uns auch die Kiste ein wenig später oder kann jetzt dann besser Kommentare über die Balance abgeben.

problem ist natürlich nur, dass die ja nie das komplexe Mentat und Scavsche System hinter der Sache durchblicken können, weil halt alles auf kartoffelsch..

Verfasst: Dienstag 6. Februar 2007, 15:39
von Scav
ich hab eher das gefühl das der nur einwenig rumbasteln will, und nicht wirklich "für uns" arbeiten will ^^

Verfasst: Dienstag 6. Februar 2007, 15:53
von Malle
klar, hast scho recht. Aber so fängt et meistens/manchmal an und zumindest was Wortgefechte über das alte botf und seine Schwächen angeht, konnte er mir im afc einiges an paroli bieten, egal. puste hat ja schon was geantwortet, schaumermal.

unten das denk ich kannst du auch so übersetzen, der beschwert sich mal rigoros über die Quatschtanten dort, von denen kaum jemand Tester spielt (MoE mal abgesehen, der hat grad die Special Techs für uns(die) ins Englische übersetzt, den nehmen wir mal raus aus der Kritik, aber die andern...). :mrgreen:

Ein sehr langer Feedbackkatalog von Scottster gibts dort auch noch.

Verfasst: Donnerstag 3. Mai 2007, 11:13
von Sir Pustekuchen
Wirklich sehr schöner Feedbackreport. Ich quote den auch gleich mal hier ins Forumn, damit ich diesen nicht so schnell vergesse.
You asked for it.

I have been seriously playing the game (and I do mean seriously) and here is a somewhat organized list of every little note I scribbled down of things I think might be a problem, spelling issues, etc. etc.

I can help with the Englich spelling/grammar but I do not know if editing the .DAT files with a text editor will cause a problem. I will check it out.

Also, I am very good with Photoshop, so I can help with the Graphics.
(which is a request on a different post) although for the next few weeks I will be super busy, but after that I will have more time. Photoshop is much more time consuming that editing text files.

Please don't take ANY of these items as criticism in any way, the game is AMAZING. I just want to help make it even better.

Potential Game Play issues

1. When a system is selected, does not show planets on bottom if a system was not already selected prior to opening “Systems” list.
For example: If a ship is selected before opening the systems menu and then double clicking to open the production queue.

2. Save Game – Should remember which Empire is human players and which are AI. (and perhaps a password for the race, like CIV 4 multiplayer) to prevent players from checking other races in saved games

3. Minor races, if planets terraformed, the population will start to grow (by design?) but not Colonized systems

4. Voice for computer is Federation “Affirmative” for all races.

5. Beep for “Cannot build” should give a pop-up that says why you cannot build.

6. Trade routes cannot be changed (if a trade route is set up to a zero population planet, it is stuck there) Cannot see population of opposing Empires when only a Trade agreement is reached.

7. Khaoron Shipyard does not upgrade. (so system shows the Shipyard and the Spacedock)

8. Khaoron Scanner/Listening posts do not upgrade (creates a new structure in the buildings list)

9. Cannot “invade” systems with Transports.

10. Number of ships attacking a system does not change the casualties. 100 ships should do more damage than 10.
Table of number of Attacking ships with casualties:
#Ships Casualties #Ships Casualties
......62.....5.678 b.......13.....6.271 b
......62.....0.685 b.......13.....4.602 b
......63.....3.916 b.......13.....5.848 b
......73.....0.928 b.........8.....0.930 b
......73.....0.757 b.........9.....1.064 b
......74.....1.392 b.......15.....0.351 b
......74.....1.077 b.......16.....2.659 b
......75.....4.046 b.......16.....0.640 b
......75.....1.059 b.........3.....0.570 b
......75.....6.136 b.........4.....2.475 b
......75.....1.885 b.........8.....6.430 b
......75.....1.311 b.......10.....4.270 b

11. Cannot choose to build Starbase or Outpost (once Starbases are available), transports automatically build Starbase.

12. Khaoron Scout ship not available to build later in the game, and no other Khaoron ship has long range.

13. Khaoron background map makes it hard to see Khaoron owned space (Sector M9 for example)

14. Non-Aggression pact should eject ships from controlled space. ( My ships were trapped in Cartare space, unable to move after a treaty was signed ). Or… a better and more “realistic” approach would be to only allow the ships to move in a direction towards their home.

15. Minor race systems sometimes have Shipyards but no Deritium in system.

16. Output from “fixed” buildings/devices (Wind Turbines, Advanced Replicators) seems to be affected by Morale bonus.

Potential Balance problem

1. Khaoron Deuterium production seems too high (not used much, and primitive mines are high…) I very quickly had many systems with over 100,000 units

German to English

1. Top menu bar

2. Khaoron “Vor’cha Klasse” should be “Class” in the fleet window.

4. Main “Choose Race” window

5. Khaoron – Bribe – Description to other race.

6. When attacking a system “Bombardierung des _____ systems verstummt dissdenten”

7. Save game window title “Speichern Unter”

8. Save Game – Default file name – “Ubenant.sav”

Typos / Corrections

3. Titan - should be Titanium on Planet Resources, Production and Storage lists, build list, etc

4. “The [EmpireName] requests a request from us” where [EmpireName] is Rotharian, Omegan, etc. Bad grammar.

6. Galaxy “Scan strenght” should be “Scan strength”

7. Khaoron - “Class 1 Matter Furnices” should be “furnaces”

8. Khaoron font “ - Quotation mark does not display

9. Vulmar system on Galaxy map (Should be Vulmar)

10. Shows “Outpost construction xx% complete) even though it is building a Starbase

11. Khaoron non-aggression offer “Even if the death…” should be “Even if death…”

12. “Outpostconstruction of Khaorons is xx% completed” Should be “Construction of Khaoron outpost is xx% Completed”

13. Rotharian - Declare War to [Empirename] – should be “Declare War on [Empirename]

14. Rotharian – Declare war statement… overall phrasing is awkward.

15. Cartar “ A military cooperation is out of question” should be “… out of the question”

16. Stellar Storage – Should be Interstellar Storage.

17. Rotharians – “We offerd the [EmpireName] a non agression treaty. (Should be offered and aggression)

18. Murnea system – Aqua Cells – Food Nonus 50% (should be Food Bonus)

19. Defence Pact (on Diplomatic Menu) Should be Defense

By design?

1. Khaoron Outposts/Starbases - Moveable and no Scanner

2. Planet maximum Deritium storage 100. Why?

3. Ground defense rating (viewable in BotF) not able to see now

4. Orbital Batteries missing

Would be cool

1. Double click on galaxy map, centers map on that sector.

2. Planets that are habitable, but have no population – show Type in yellow (or Yellow 100%) ie: M 100%
(to make it easier to identify which have been colonized)

3. Number of Ships lost should not include transports to Outposts, and Colony ships to planets. (maybe)
(although it is still nice to see on the overall itemized “lost” listing)

4. Available resources list (in a table format, like the Systems list, sortable by column)

5. Galaxy map, habitated Minor Race system names in a different color.

6. Diplomatic page, left and right “increment by 1 step” Credits slider

7. Music on/off option

8. Galaxy map – Outpost and Starbase icons with the O and S under them (like in BotF)

9. Show the minimum Gift/Bribe amount that will be required to have any effect (like BotF)

10. Show ship “size”, so it is easily identifiable what can be built at which stations

11. Empire – System List – sort by column (if you have a lot of systems, and need to see what food is available, what the colonies are building, etc.) Like MoO-2

12. Ships / fleets - show turns to destination

13. Transport ship “transport MAX” of a resource

14. Choose “Leader” of your Empire, and each leader has different play style and perhaps bonus trait.

15. Demand unconditional surrender of minor Races and Empires (they join your Empire) without having to exterminate every last person/system.

16. Food Storage- On Systems page- Color changes (like Moral) IE: <500=red, 500-1000=yellow, 1000+ green

17. Fleet Menu window – Show ships specific stats in bottom left <on mouse over> same as when ships are listed in the bottom window.

18. Standing with one race directly affects the other (IE: One is a member of player’s Empire, the other race is “hateful”.

19. Build list on Systems sorted better. Upgrades on top, then new production structures, then new resource structures, then unique buildings (Advanced Replicator, Wind Turbines, etc.) it seems like the list is random. Hard to find items sometimes. (might just be user error on my part)

20. Resources Tab on the bottom (between Production and Energy) above the System graphic instead of the current smaller button.

And again, I want to re-emphasize, that this is by no means any sort of criticism. And I should also point out that this is just one person's perspective after playing BotF forever. Other players might disagree with many of the items I listed above.

Verfasst: Samstag 16. Juni 2007, 10:28
von Sir Pustekuchen
Weitere Feedbackreport, welche aber noch auf der Version 0.51b beruht.
I've played a few games now and what's been achieved so far is truely amazing. My circle of friends regulary played 5 player BotF games so can't wait for the other races to become available for some propper testing.

Currently playing single player I've come across a few issues/bugs....

1) Every time I make a fleet of purely colony ships the game crashes on the next turn. (actually can't remember if it's when I make the fleet or when I try to use it to terrorform - will check)

2) After wiping out all life on a planet sometime my colony ship won't allow me to colonise the system.

3) When building ships I've noticed that if you have enough resources to build 2 ships you can fill the build queue and they will all be built, even if you have ran out of resources before they are all built.

4) I took the khaorons up to tech level 10 but on some systems it was no longer possible to build industry units as they no longer appeared in the list of item to be built.

5) In one game omegan space filled nearly half the screen but then inexplicably a big % of their systems seemed to become independant

That's all for now but I'll keep looking.

Keep up the good work

Verfasst: Dienstag 28. August 2007, 16:29
von Sir Pustekuchen
Weiterer Feedbackreport, welcher sich speziell mit der englischen Version befasst.
1)OH my GOD! Stop the oposition from "Requesting a Request" every turn!!
2) "We demand 0 credits and 0 titan blah blah" Demand 0? Then the "accept" button is not an option.
3)"The Rotharian Star Network Requests a Request from us" Really need to fix that grammer issue.
4) "We have declined a request the Rotharian Star Network" Another grammer issue that needs to be fixed.
5) Barracks builds are still in German. I speak a little, but not that well.
6) Exit and Save menus are in German as well as all the drop down menues across the top. Not a problem, need practice with my German anyways.
7) Speaking of save. There are some issues with the save function. Can't seem to save in a different name. It looks like it's saving, but the file isn't created. ie: Saved turn 123 as 'dave1'. Wanted to save turn 231 as 'dave2' but it would not create the file.
8) Still have to select a race when loading a game. Not an issue, just...strange.
9) The 'unused' production boxes (have six farms, using five...) are really hard to see. Tried on both my LCD and CRT. These really blend in with the black background (coalition) and makes things difficult with out turning the screen gama way up.
10) This may not be a bug....With the Khaoron 'patch', "upgrading Class 0 Deuterium Refinery" ? Class 0? I think I saw this with the Rotharians as well when upgrading from a primitive to the next lvl.
11) So that's what that wheel in the mouse does? Yea, figured that one out about five min after making the post.
12) The Troop discriptions on the Transport screen are all in German.
13) Eleminated about 90% of the crash problems by deleting the entire game directory, then reinstalling. Seems the crash percentage went up after I reinstalled the Khaoron 'patch'.
14) Built a few Coalition Data banks. Didn't seem to do anything. Clicked on the INTEL button and nothing would happen. Didn't bother with the Rotharians, and didn't get the chance to use them with the Khaorons. Will investigate further.

Re: English feedback reports

Verfasst: Samstag 26. Januar 2008, 17:15
von Malle
hier ein neuer Report von Fedor. Auffallend sind die Hanchac und ihr fehlendes Deritium. Muss ihn mal fragen, ob er trotzdem das Spezialgebäude bauen konnte im System.
Hey bud.

I've been writing a lot of stuff I've noticed in BOTE over the days that I've played it, and it's grown fairly big now so I'm writing the list to you

I've mentioned before that some of the english isn't very good, but I figure this is somewhat different - some diplomatic messages actually say weird stuff, not in terms of english but what they actually say, for example:
The Omegans and Heyouns have both declared war on me and the message has said that they declare war and that they're giving me money (!!). Of course, no money is given but the message says it anyway.
The Omegans once requested crystals from me, and yet the message didn't say how many. I had to simply list through my systems to find one or two that had enough.
A Khaoron Defence Pact offer said they are offering me a non-aggression treaty (but the title of the offer was Defence Pact, and that's what it actually turned out to be).

The end-of-turn/next-turn summary screen had some typos, like "The Eptirels offer us a friendship treatyt".
Also, sometimes the voice would say that we have diplomatic messages when in fact there were none, but I did have outgoing ones like "The Coalition offers bla a friendship treaty".
Finally, there were errors like "The Eptirel agrees to a membership..." when in fact I agreed to their offer.

When I met the Khaorons, a lot of stars were revealed on the map. I had this happen before like I mentioned, and again I don't have a savegame since by the time it happens the savegame is overwritten.

Once I had two transports (not in a fleet), building an outpost. When they finished, it was a starbase and not an outpost. Is this normal?

The Hanchac race description said that their system has very high deritium deposits, but actually their system didn't have any.
Speaking of deritium... Some systems have more than one planet with deritium. Shouldn't we get double the yield from deritium refineries or be able to build more than one in those systems? Or something like that?

When I queued Utopia Planitia on one of my systems, it did not disappear from the queue of other systems. So I queued it in Sol as well, and when they were built, I had two Utopia Planitias! Not that I mind :p but I guess that shouldn't happen.

Those were mostly errors, and now for things I would like to see and I think would make the game better:

The create fleet screen - wouldn't it be good to be able to see ship details of the individual ships by hovering over them? I have to break up the whole fleet to see anything like Hull, Shields, Speed, Range etc.

I think it would be good if outposts remained on the map even if you had no sensors in the area. Since they can't move, I think that would be quite prudent. If they get destroyed and the player doesn't know, I would leave them on the map until the player managed to scan the area and see that it's no longer there.

The Coalition had an awkward time during certain research levels where the Scout-class ship was the Mole, and it only had medium range. That left me without any long-range ships at all for quite a while until I had researched to the next Scout class, which took a fair while.

Is there any plan to make it possible to upgrade ships? For example, if I built a Duluth-class ship with Level 7 shields, and since then Level 8 shields became available, shouldn't it be possible to stop by a system with the proper ship-building facilities and get the upgrade?

Diplomatic requests - there were a couple of times that I was requested for large amounts of resources, like say 12000 duranium. No system had that much so I couldn't meet the request, but actually all the systems together had well over 100000 duranium. Shouldn't there be some way to meet the request from 2 or 3 systems at least?

OK, that's "all" for now

Re: English feedback reports

Verfasst: Montag 28. Januar 2008, 14:52
von Sir Pustekuchen
Klingt so als spielt er noch die Alpha3, denn einige der aufgezählten Sachen wurden mit der Alpha4 behoben.