Now while we'll probably sadly never get an official Star Trek Birth of the Federation 2 it looks like we’re about to get an entirely new Star Trek 4X strategy game from Paradox called Star Trek Infinite that much like good old BOTF is set in the TNG era with Picard, Gowron, Gul Dukat, and many more characters from TNG, DS9 and Voyager! You can play as the United Federation of Planets, Klingon Empire, Romulan Star Empire, or Cardassian Union (sorry no Ferengi this time haha) and a huge array of minor races to ally or conquer just like in BOTF. While this might not exactly be the BOTF2 sequel many of us have hoped for, it does look a LOT like the popular Star Trek mod for Stellaris, so I guess Paradox thought “lets make that a real thing” lol, grabbed the Trek licence and enlisted the help of Nimble Giant Entertainment who created the gorgeous looking (but flawed) big budget Master of Orion reboot a few years back. The same people behind a Master of Orion game making a Star Trek 4X game? Hmm that sounds familiar.

Steam: ... _Infinite/
Gameplay Trailer: